The Brazilian people are among the most diverse peoples in the world, and Brazilian hair is one of the proofs of this.

After all, Brazilian women have a great variety of types of hair, with a total of 8 classifications.

It is no coincidence that the companies that manufacture hair products especially think about the Brazilian market.

Because of this versatility, the consumption of products to care for these strands is equally wide.

Understanding your hair is the best way to ensure good care of its locks.

This is also the reason why it is so important to know the main types of Brazilian hair.

The main types of Brazilian hair

Straight hair is the desire of the majority of women

Straight hair (Type 1) is the most easily recognized, straight, balanced hair.

However, even between smooth strands of hair there are differences. For those with softer hair, they usually have to invest in combating an oily scalp.

Also, about 18% of Brazilians have straight hair, yet it is the most desirable among Brazilian women.

Which explains the high demand for progress and straightening, as that smooth hair is very similar to “pouring liquid”.

Curly hair is the most common among Brazilians

The wavy hair is classified as Type 2 in the bend table.

One of the main characteristics of these hairs is the introduction of smooth roots and waves from the middle of the hair.

As this type of hair has a natural movement that allows innovation at the time of cutting.

Due to its curves, care must be taken to ensure that the natural oil reaches the hair completely, avoiding dryness and split ends.

To highlight the characteristics of this type of Brazilian hair, it is necessary to bet on a good finish.

Also the advice is to choose products that are in lather, which are lighter and add volume to the curves of the hair.

Curly hair is one of the most loved women

After tending to assume natural beauty, curly hair appears more and more on the heads of fashion designers.

As this hair contains a more pronounced amount of curls.

The wrinkles in this type are also smaller and more closed.

Curly hair is one of the types of Brazilian hair that suffer the most from dryness due to their shape.

Therefore, investing in moisturizing this type of hair is very important.

As the final touch is necessary to make your hair more defined and control frizz.

Finally, each type of Brazilian hair requires special care, taking into account the shape, texture and other details related to the characteristics of the hair.

In any case, it is easier to get more beautiful and healthier hair, and even choose a suitable hair treatment set.

Read also: Facts about the Brazilian hair protein treatment for straightening hair